Belgrade Bike Info Centre

The Association of cyclists “Ciklo svet Srbija” yesterday had a ceremonial opening of the new Bike Info Centre in Belgrade. Numerous cyclists gathered in Skenderbegova street no. 15, the spot that will from now on be a permanent gathering place for all two-wheel fans, living in Belgrade or just passing through the Serbian cycling route.
In the spacious yard of this unique centre, located next to the cycling track at Dorcol, cyclists will be able to leave their bikes for safekeeping, finish their business in city centre, and avoid troubles with parking. Besides, also free of charge, they can get minor services for their bikes, as well as tips for maintaining. Those who come without bikes will be able to rent one.
– This centre is meant to be a meeting place for cyclists from Belgrade, other parts of Serbia and tourists from other countries. It’s goal is to promote the use of bikes as a mean of transport, and this way the emission of harmful gases in Belgrade will be decreased. It will also promote tourism. – Ivan Puja, the president of association “Ciklo svet Srbija”, has pointed out.
Bike Info Centre will soon be available on EvroVelo and Danube Cycling routes websites, so the foreign as well as Serbian cycling tourists can easily find it and get all information on cycling tracks, places to visit in Serbia, accommodation, food they should taste, and much more. They will also get info on how to get a free map of cycling tracks.
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